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And must not take the throat piece when the candy

Date:2015/1/14 17:23:37   Hits:4789

Throat disease is a minor illness, it does not lethal, but it often disturb you: itchy throat, phlegm, pain, swelling. Ailment is small, but the impact on the quality of people's lives, the quality of work, often in discomfort in people.

Pharyngitis is a chronic illness, medication or injections can not cure, so most people relieve throat pain is to eat throat tablets, such as throat lozenges can detoxify, anti-inflammatory, throat pain, for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases such as throat, can play a role in emergency response.

Use of antibiotics to treat chronic pharyngitis

Use of antibiotics to treat chronic pharyngitis To select the right time, the cause of chronic pharyngitis is more complex treatment or to remedy, through long-term anti-inflammatory, antibacterial to treat, the effect will be better. In the acute phase should be the choice of anti-viral, anti-bacterial drugs, rendering it become chronic. In the chronic phase of antibiotics is generally not in favor of taking antibiotics, mainly to strengthen prevention and protection against all kinds of incentives.

Throat piece when sweets, wrong!

Some people eat candy lozenges as very desirable. Because mint lozenges with a contraction of oral mucosal blood vessels, reduce inflammation and pain edema effect, but without inflammation often during oral buccal mucosa because it makes the blood vessels, dry mucous membrane damage, leading to the occurrence of oral ulcers.

Adverse effects 1: cause diarrhea

Throat tablets containing borneol class often work together with musk, itself heat, laxative effect, but long-term use spleen Deficiency, very easy to cause diarrhea. Such as watermelon frost throat piece, golden voice throat treasure, compound grass coral lozenges, tablets and other Jianmin throat, stomach Deficiency patients should be used with extreme caution.

Adverse effects of 2: increase inflammation

Class throat tablets medicine to Chinese medicine-based, such as watermelon frost throat piece, golden voice throat treasure, compound grass coral lozenges, Liushen, mainly through the mucous membranes to achieve "thirst" effect. However, they are not suitable for viral laryngitis, because the virus itself will stimulate local mucosal secretion, causing symptoms of runny nose, cough, throat medicine used in the treatment of viral laryngitis, only aggravate these symptoms will not only harmful bacteria take advantage of, but also so that the already non-pathogenic bacteria also took the opportunity to stir up trouble, causing infection.

Adverse effects of 3: induced ulcer

Throat tablets drug ingredients, its main ingredient is iodine or quaternary ammonium surfactants, such as China, tablets, etc., these drugs containing iodine molecules, although the activity of large, strong bactericidal, but also on the oral mucosa irritation large, long-term use of oral and throat suppress internal growth of normal flora, disrupting the oral environment, resulting in local flora, thus inducing oral ulcers and other diseases.

Adverse effects 4: cause allergies

People who are allergic to iodine If you take iodine tablets throat, allergic reactions occur, manifested as shortness of breath, pale, lips cyanosis, clammy and other systemic symptoms. Lactating women taking iodine tablets throat, it will affect the growth and development of young children.

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