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Nine harm painkillers

Date:2015/1/14 17:22:00   Hits:4567

We all know that pain not only affects the quality of life, sometimes due to lack of effective treatment of chronic pain arising from mental illness. Many patients with pain due to untreated, the local long-term pain is generally converted into a complex regional pain syndrome or central pain, pain becomes intractable diseases. Therefore, we should promptly pain.

However, experts, some pain painkillers but will mask the true condition. A lot of pain, especially pain of internal organs, the patient is difficult to distinguish in the end is what went wrong. If you blindly prematurely taking painkillers, although you can temporarily relieve pain, but because after taking painkillers mask the pain location and nature of the disease is not conducive to the doctor to observe and judge the sick part, is not conducive to proper diagnosis and timely treatment doctors.

In addition, after taking painkillers so that patients do not feel pain temporarily, but in fact the disease may worsen as ectopic pregnancy bleeding, necrosis and perforation secondary to appendicitis, this temporary pain can mask the true condition, will develop the disease increased, resulting in serious consequences. Therefore, when the pain caused by disease or unexplained pain, the patient should go to the hospital, find out the causes of pain.

People often will be a variety of pain, painkillers almost every family must therefore, the addition of the patient to take "in case the pain lasts" attitude, which painkiller abuse is more prevalent. Many consumers do not fully understand the abuse of painkillers has the following hazards:

1, an allergic reaction. Dipyrone, paracetamol sensitization can cause allergic reactions, skin rash, drug fever or worsening asthma.

2, the use of anti-inflammatory pain can occur in the central nervous system symptoms, such as headache, dizziness.

3, cover up the symptoms. After the application of analgesics can mask the disease, delaying diagnosis, delayed treatment.

4, kidney damage. Painkillers can cause chronic interstitial nephritis, renal papillary necrosis, renal insufficiency. This is due to the pain caused by drug inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. With indomethacin were more common.

5, induced ulcers. Salicylic acid, aspirin, indomethacin and other drugs can stimulate the gastric mucosa, causing severe gastrointestinal reactions induced gastric ulcers and even stomach bleeding and perforation.

6, bleeding tendency. Salicylic acid, aspirin, etc. can inhibit the formation of prothrombin in the liver, prothrombin decreased in the blood, but also affect the physiological function of platelets, clotting prolonged coagulation affected, causing bleeding tendencies.

7, resulting in leukopenia. Dipyrone, phenylbutazone, indomethacin inhibited bone marrow caused by neutropenia, or even cause agranulocytosis.

8, liver damage. Aspirin, phenylbutazone, indomethacin can cause liver damage and liver large, liver discomfort. Transaminase elevation and other symptoms.

9, painkillers taken a long time, will lead to the phenomenon of addiction, if you do not eat, you unbearable pain, as with morphine, addictive. So take painkillers to consider carefully, but not long-term use.

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