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United Kingdom Association of acupuncture students visited our company

Date:2013/10/26 11:38:26   Source:Efong Pharmaceutical   Hits:5782

     In the organization and arrangement by United Herb of our sole agent in UK, the United Kingdom Association of acupuncture students of a 14-member delegation have studied in Guangdong Province hospital for a 2-week study, on October 26, 2013 they visited our company.
     13 of the 14 participants were British and one is a United Kingdom of Chinese participants, they were very interested in TCM granules and the technical aspects, Deputy General Manager Cheng Xueren introduced the company's basic situation, the participants also visited the workshops of the factory, and late we talked with the granules for each other.
       Participants indicated that this visit was very fruitful and will be arrange more students to learn and visit the factory in Guangzhou in the future.


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